National Parks - TURKEY

Fethiye Kemal Mumcu Anadolu Lisesi


Adress and contact number:

Etlik Caddesi No: 194 Etlik-Keçiören ANKARA – TURKEY

Phone Number: 0090 312 325 14 00 Fax Number: 0090 312 323 94 38

The school web page

Number of students and teachers:

Students: Male: 295 Female: 318 Total: 613

Teachers: 47

Languages: English, German

Extra curricular activities of students :

The students’ clubs are organized aiming at improving students skills and supporting all facilities which enable the students to gain social responsibilities. These clubs are having activities in terms of social, culture, artistic, and sports fields. These clubs can also have team work with the other clubs.

Here are some of our clubs:

  1. Library Club

  2. Sports Club

  3. Music Club

  4. Tourism and Excursion Club

  5. Art and Photography Club

  6. Maths and brain teasers Club

  7. Democracy and Human Rights Club

  8. Science and Technology Club

Link to The Stolowe Mountains National Park:

About school:

Our School was opened to ministration in 1988-1989 Teaching and Educational Year and named as ‘ Orhan Gazi Lisesi ’. A year later, the name of the school was changed into Fethiye Kemal Mumcu Anadolu Lisesi due to the fact that Mumcu family donated the land of the school.
In the schoolyard, opposite the main building, there is a boarding house for male students who come from different cities. Inside the building there is a dormitory , a dining hall and study rooms .
From the year 1994, our school has providing most of the training using ICT as we are known ‘The Project of Lab School of Cirriculum’ and ‘The Computer Sample School’.
Today, we have 21 classes, 4 labs (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and ICT), art class , teachers’ rooms, a study room for teachers.