Convitto Nazionale Rinaldo Corso
Adress and contact number:
Via Bernieri, 8, 42015, Correggio, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
tel. 0522 692318, fax 0522 631844.
The school web page:
Link to the school web page:
Number of students and teachers:
over 900 students - over 200 teachers
Languages taught at school: Italian, English, French
Extra curricular activities of students, any extra clubs:
varius sports CONVITTIADI: sport matches between Italy's boarding schools
Link to page of national park:
About school:
The school has been opened since the foundation of the italian republic (1861) and in the years the aims of the school has changed several times. Actually the school is a boarding school for children since 5 to 18 years old and more. The school is actually boarding about 100 students of different ages. It has also a afternoon school for homeworks and palying activities (half-boarding school). The aim of the school is to give, from the 1st year, to the last, a safe place to children, in order to provide their armonius and complete personal development, also from the point of view of a future job emplyment. The high school is, indeed, a vocational school with 3 different approaches: 1- agricolture and farmery 2- mechanics and electronics 3- hotelery and cooking.