Activities |
Date |
1. |
A review of bibliographic references on national parks. Studying Internet web sites of national parks. Classes about national parks |
September 2011
2. |
Meeting in Poland |
October 2011 |
3. |
Creation of Comenius Corner at schools. |
October 2011 |
4. |
Activation of the project web page. Preparation of the article about the projekt. |
November 2011
5. |
Posters about selected national parks. |
December 2011 |
6. |
Newsletters sent to students, teachers, local society, city government, Department of Education. Preparation of the article about the project. |
January 2012
7. |
Meeting in Hungary. |
February 2012 |
8. |
Self-evaluation on the project in each school. |
February 2012 |
9. |
Making powerpoint presentation about national parks. Meeting in Italy. |
March 2012 |
10. |
Preparation of surveys about the national parks. A botanical excursion. Newsletters sent to students, teachers, local society, city government, Department of Education. |
April 2012
11. |
Spreading surveys to students, parents, local society. Collecting photos of fauna and flora.Preparing photo albums. Preparation of herbarium. |
May 2012
12. |
Meeting in Lithuania. |
May 2012 |
13. |
Statistical analysis of the data collected from interviews. |
June 2012 |
14. |
Meeting in Bulgaria. |
September 2012 |
15. |
Self-evaluation on the project. Preparation of the article about the project. |
September 2012 |
16. |
Exhibition of photos. Distribution of CDs with a digital herbarium and presentations of European National Parks. Newsletters sent to students, teachers, local society, city government, Department of Education |
October 2012
17. |
School competition about the national parks. Posters about the national parks. |
November 2012 |
18. |
Meeting in Croatia (Osijek). |
December 2012 |
19. |
Preparation of dictionary of fauna and flora terminology in partners' languages. Distribution of dictionary names of fauna and flora in the languages of all schools. |
December 2012 |
20. |
Newsletters sent to students, teachers, local society, city government, Department of Education |
February 2013
21. |
Meeting in Turkey. |
March 2013 |
22. |
International competition about the parks. Creating brochures of the parks |
March 2013
23. |
Posters about the national parks. |
April 2013 |
24. |
Lectures about the national parks and biodiversity given at schools. Botanical excursion. |
May 2013
25. |
Meeting in Croatia (Zagreb). Evaluation of the project |
June 2013
26. |
Preparation of an article summarizing the whole project and publishing it. Publishing brochures of the national parks. |
July 2013 |