Prywatne Salezja??skie Liceum Ogólnokszta??c?ce
(Private Salesian High School)
Adress and contact number:
ul. M??odych Techników 17, 53-647 WROC?AW, POLAND
tel/fax: +48 71 373 45 31
The school web page:
Number of students and teachers:
130 students, 25 teachers
Languages: English, German, French, Latin and Spanish.
Extra curricular activities of students :
Photo Club, Theatre Club, Biological Workshops, Film Club, Voluntary Club
Link to The Stolowe Mountains National Park:
MIssion statment:
Private Salesian High School is a private, secondary with general education school led by Salesian Community. We have been educating the students according to the principles of Catholic education and the spirit of St. John Bosco. Imbued with a joyful and family ambience, we carry out the Preventive System which aims to nurture the students' integral development of the spiritual, moral, intellectual, cultural and social aspects. We stimulate them to apply knowledge to life, to embrace it wholeheartedly, to face reality with integrity, fortitude and optimism and to serve societydedicatedly.
The school has existed since 1999 year. As well as achieving good academic results, the school provides a very wide range of cultural, sporting, physical, social and extra-curricular activities for students from other schools and local area, which are open for poor and disabled students. The school offers opportunities for students involvement in activities which take place after school, at weekends and at holiday time. The school focuses attention on relationships between students and teachers , parents and teachers. The school has a title of LOCAL CENTER OF ECOLOGICAL ACTIVITY in Poland so its role is to attract the attention of society to the role of national parks and raise environmental awareness in the society.