Part of the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme, the Comenius actions aim to help young people and educational staff better understand the range of European cultures, languages and values. They also help young people acquire the basic life skills and competences necessary for personal development, future employment and active citizenship.

The programme addresses issues strongly related to current discussions and developments in school policy: motivation for learning and ‘learning-to-learn’ skills, key competences, digital educational content and inclusive education.


Comenius aims to:

  • Improve and increase the mobility of pupils and educational staff across the EU;
  • Enhance and increase partnerships between schools in different EU Member States, with at least 3 million pupils taking part in joint educational activities by 2010;
  • Encourage language learning, innovative ICT-based content, services and better teaching techniques and practices;
  • Enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training;
  • Improve pedagogical approaches and school management.



The programme is currently focusing in particular on:

  • Motivation for learning and learning-to-learn skills;
  • Key competences: improving language learning; greater literacy; making science more attractive; supporting entrepreneurship; and reinforcing creativity and innovation;
  • Digital educational content and services;
  • School management;
  • Addressing socio-economic disadvantages and reducing early school leaving;
  • Participation in sports;
  • Teaching diverse groups of pupils;
  • Early and pre-primary learning.

