Teacher impressions
My impressions can easily be named „My sunny days in Lithuania“. And they certainly were sunny and happy and wonderful.
Travelling towards Panevezys late in the afternoon, with sunset colors covering the scenery, I knew right away how beautiful this country is. And our hosts Minole and Inge managed to show us nothing but that beauty.
Every place we visited was full with song and dance, folklore and tradition with unforgettable nature surrounding it. Because, when you’re lying on the grass, surrounded by lakes and forest, soaking up the sun, you can easily forget about all the troubles everyday life puts you through.
I’ve learned a lot about Lithuania and that knowledge and positive impressions of its people I will carry with me from now on.
Dubravka ŠtigliÄ?, Zagreb
This trip to Lithuania was absolutely worth devoting 19 hours on a bus. Welcomed by teachers wearing fantastic national clothes and having tasted local food we easily forgot about tiredness. All three days were fullfilled with various activities from mornings till late evenings. Not only did we see the attractions of the National Park of Aukstaitija but also learned some Lithuanian dances while waiting for loaves of bread made by ourselves. I must thank for the kindness and hospitality of our hosts. A lot of greetings for the community of Panevezys Verdene Basic School and participating friends from cooperating schools.