Student impressions

The whole trip to Correggio in Italy was a great experience to me, and it was even more fun than I expected. I met lots of people of different nationalities, and now I know something about their countries too. What I liked most was a trip to a big rock in the national park near Correggio. The only part of the trip to Italy that I didn't like was the travelling, because we had to change trains many times, but the good side of that was that we saw Trieste and Venice, which I really liked, especially Venice. I am really happy that I have been to that trip and I hope that some day I will travel somewhere again with Comenius.
                                                                                                                              Adrian Kuči?, 17 (Croatia-Zagreb)

I am really glad that we went to that trip because I have only good memories. In my life I had the opportunity to visit Venice, Rome, Bari etc. so I am aware of the lifestyle of the inhabitants if big cities. I can tell now that those cities are different from the rural part we visited - it is a totally different lifestyle and culture. I made some friends, too, because the people in the project are really nice and approachable. Most of them can speak English so the interaction between us was great.

                                                                                                                                 Iva Laštro, 18 (Croatia-Zagreb)
After visiting Corregio we can honestly say that it is worth to participate in international exchanges. Experience you get while being im in international society is priceless. But it is not all the exchange was a part of european projects Comenius: National Parks of Europe. Worth noticing is a fact, that we had an occasion to get to know something about types of animals living in Italy's National Parks. In addition we cooperated with our foreign friends. We visited Bologna, one of the most famous city in Italy. What is cunous to me is a fact, that i noticed a likeness of Don Bosco, our patron in one of churches. Generally speaking i'm very happyof being there.

                                                                                                                                     Kamil Magierowski (Poland)

The trip to Italy was unbelievably impressive! I can’t stop thinking about all unforgettable moments, places I’ve seen and people I’ve met. Now I know the secret – the place can’t be special itself, this is the PEOPLE who make everything special. All the participants of the project were very friendly and smiling all the time, that’s why I made a lot of new friends! I have also learned to smile and improved my English a little!

                                                                                                                                           Lauryna (15) (Lithuania)

Italy… It feels so good when I remember this super trip! ? I learned a lot about Italy's National Park and how beautiful it is. I met a lot of interesting people and now I know that it doesn't matter where we come from because we’re all similar. This was the first time away from my family, friends and my country so I think I grew up a little bit! And I made a lot of new friends from other countries too! This trip was a serious reason why I started to be interested in football and fashion! However, the best thing about the trip was that now I have better relationships with people who went to Italy with me. I would love to go there again!

                                                                                                                                             Radvil? (14) (Lithuania)

So many impressions come to my mind every time I remember the trip to Italy! Yes, yes, I‘m talking about the project „National Parks of Europe“. Truly speaking, I‘ve never thought that such projects can be interesting. Maybe because I‘m a little shy to meet new people... However, now I can say that this meeting in Correggio was a fantastic one! The flight was a new experience for me – I haven‘t tried this kind of transport before!... The people in Italy were very friendly and happy. They always smiled. This encouraged me to smile all the time too! I very liked the trip to Italian Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park. There were many beautiful blooming plants and trees in March! That‘s unbelievable – You won‘t see anything similar to this in my country in this season.
Someday I will go back to Italy again!

                                                                                                                                               Laura (15) (Lithuania)

The meeting in Correggio was very warm and sweet. I fell in love with absolutely everything: atmosphere, new faces, mountains, sunny weather aven our central street we lived in. I even didn‘t get tired during long climbing to the mountain top in the Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park. And do You know why? I was surrounded by so many wonderful people! I‘m already missing this meeting

                                                                                                                                           August? (14) (Lithuania)

The trip to Italy was the best thing ever! I had a lot of things to do there and every day was filled with challenges. For example, I was happy with interesting activities for students, fascinating trip to Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park, guided walks and of course, a chance to meet new people. Some of them became my friends and we have lots of things in common. I wasn’t bored not even for a single second. Thanks for all of You who attented Correggio meeting.

                                                                                                                                               Egl? (14) (Lithuania)
